Schools stunned by 'hidden' copy costs which ''deprive children of books''

Investigative columnist Andrew Penman reports on a firm that actually charges schools three times more than it initially appears to.


Council forced to pay nearly £350,000 to cancel contract for photocopiers

A debt-ridden council was forced to pay out almost £350,000 to cancel an agreement to provide photocopiers to two schools after they closed.

£48k photocopier bill may close Oxford charity opened by Princess Diana

A SPECIALIST Oxford leisure centre used by hundreds of disabled people is facing closure because of a £48,000 photocopier bill.

Licensed to print money - the school rip-off artists

For many years, schools – along with charities and small businesses – have been happy hunting grounds for the cheerful pirates of the photocopier world.

When it costs £250k to buy a photocopier

Individual schools are spending as much as £250,000 on photocopiers because of bad business management, a senior schools procurement civil servant admitted last week.